OT : contraceptive implant


Silver Member
Hiya little advice wanted:

I used to be on the combined pill but when i went to get my next 6 months they doctor put me on the mini pill as my bloody pressure LIKE always is high and has been since i was 18 which is how long ive been no the pill (my first reading is always high and then fine on a 2nd reading) anyway i didnt like it ive been on a very light period for 3 weeks (no wonder its a good contraceptive) i went back today to see if the clinic would give me the combined pill back and basically i got a stern no! So even though i didnt want to i got the implant inserted so a couple of questions if anyone is on it:

1. did your periods stop
2. what are your periods like if you have them
3. how long did it take your body to adjust
4. did you have any weight gain

any other advice regarding it would be very much appreciated!
Thanks xx
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