Tinned tomatoes/soup .. when?


♥3 Years Maintaining♥
Anyone know when we are allowed tinned tomatoes and tinned soup? during refeed or after?

I emailed lt and their reply was "refeed is one week long" What the hell!!

So i emailed back monday and said yes i know that but when can i have tinned tomatoes and tinned soup ... and still, no reply - slackers!!
There's spaghetti bolognese on the refeed sheet for week 1. It says ' consisting of drained lean mince & low fat sauce'. I'll be making the sauce from tinned toms - can't get much lower fat than that.
I suggest if you want soup you could whizz up a tin of toms with some basil and some vlf fromage frais - that should work! x
yeah i love tomoto and basil - infact i have a recipe for a scrummy sounding tomato and basil soup that i cant wait to make!!
Hi Summergurl, betchya can't wait to try out some lovely lowfat/carb recipes a.s.a.p. I've got a some herbs growing in my garden in two large pots, so I can add flavour to all my meals, the purple basil looks pretty spectacular on my wholewheat pasta and veg dish....mmmm
I am not allowed to grow anything in my garden, i cant even have indoor pots with some herbs in as my dad goes mental!!! :( :(