Week 2 Weigh in:)


Full Member
Hey beautiful ones,
I've lost 5lbs this week which adds up to a stone in two weeks! I've never lost weight so quickly on SS before. I am totally convinced it's because of the support I get on here... so, thank so much you are a lovely bunch!!!
Joz xxx :grouphugg:
Woo hoo! Well done!! Do you feel fantastic? xx
This is exactly the type of loving support that keeps me going. Thank you so much darlings!xx:D
I wish i'd started this in january :rolleyes:
I felt like that too but now I'm just happy I actually got off my butt and started! :)
Joz - That's fantastic!! I'm on day one and dream about results like yours :):):)

Hey Alli, it was only two weeks ago that I was in your shoes. Stay positive and use the forum as much as you need to get you through the rough days ahead. I'm sure your results will be great if you stick with it!
Joz x