Red days


Full Member
Hello, I've decided to start slimming world by myself again after starting cambridge but not getting on very well with it.

I have a question though : Has anyone ever done a week of red days only, and if so how did you do regarding weight loss?
The reason I ask is a few years ago I did the Atkins diet and lost 2st in 7 weeks so I know that lower carb suits me best however i like that SW is not as strict with regards to the foods you can and can't eat.
Any comparisons between red and green weight losses would be great.
Thank you :D
Whenever Mum and I have done SW I've always done Green (Veggie) and Mums done Red, as a rule of thumb I've lost about 1/2lb more than her a week. When I really put my mind to it I can loose an average of 4lbs a week. Although it depends on the person.

That being said the body used carbs to turn to energy first, then fat, then protein as a last resort - so scientifically it's possible that Green is better.

Taking all this into considoration I'm not a scientist, just a fat bird who sticks to the Green Plan! :D
Different things suit different bodies better. If I did all red days i would lose weight faster than on green days. I think that although the body uses up carbs quicker, proteins keep you fuller than carbs and excess protein is stored as fat more slowly than excess carbs, which are stored as fat more quickly.
I think though that the best plan is the one that you find easiest to stick to long term and lots of veggies do green days all the time and get great weight losses
I find Red days are more effective and I probably do aound 5 Red days a week, with Green, Mix 2 Max or EE days thrown in the other two days to give me a bit of variety and my carbs fix!
I do find I lose faster on red than green, but I lose just as much on EE and I don't get constipated :eek: (sorry) or feel hungry which I always do on red for some reason.
i mostly do red days i find i cant cope without a lot of meat in a day lol do the odd green loose between 1 and 2 lbs a week been going for about 10 weeks lost a stone not had a gain or a maintain my daughter does mostly green and has lost 1/2 a stone same amount of time hope this helps
Thanx everyone for your replies and for your input.

I think I'm going to start with the extra easy plan as I feel for me it will be more sustainable. If the weight loss goes ok then I will probably just stick to this.
I know doing more red days if not all red days will speed up my weight loss but I really need a plan I can just lose weight on and not suffer too much after having done a week of Cambridge which was REALLY hard for me :rolleyes:
