Idea for a reward system!


Repeat Offender
emmapetty shared a great idea with me earlier which I've stolen/adapted, I hope she won't mind me sharing it with you!!!

Cash can coin money box savings tins

This company (as many others do I'm sure!) sell a range of savings tins that you can't keep dipping into. They only way to get in is to use a tine opener on them!

I particularly like the following ones..
Make Over Fund
New Shoes Fund
New Handbag Fund

I think I'm going to buy a Make Over Fund one and then use the money saved to go on a shopping spree when I reach goal! Here's my plan...

Every week I'm going to add as many pounds as I lose
If I've stayed completely 100% all week I'll add an extra £3
If I've drunk my full quota of water and stayed 100% I'll add an extra £5

So I could have £5 plus however many lbs I lose that week! I would then by the end have around £200 - if I stick to it and drink my water! I may find extra little reward goals along the way, like if I successfully complete my May Challenge or Summer Solstice Challenge. I think it's maybe a good way of motivating me while giving myself a way to reward myself when I get to goal with clothes or whatever else I fancy!
I would love to save the weight I am losing as money but I can't afford it LOL
Good idea!! Going to look into that!! x
Must admit I already do this but on the cheap...

After Christmas we were unindated with choc tins :eek: So we started throwing coppers and anything upto 10ps into one... it was soon full... the only problem was, that it kept being raided for dinners and scout subs etc...
So The next one i have stuck the lid firmly down with a copious amount of tape. Banged a slot in the top and fill it with ALL coins from my purse each night. SOmetimes it gets fed pennies, sometimes several pounds.. we are not going away this year so we are putting it toward a girly shopping trip in August. I should be at or near goal and me my sis and daughters are going to go out and each buy a nice dress or outfit.... the fund will help with the costs!
The kids also love taking the kids to the coin machine and watch it adding up, we used to take it to the bank, but they hate all the change these days....:confused:
I must admit I already do this too......but I put my £'s in a plastic tub with a question....IF I so happened to put on weight (god forbid) do I take out however many £'s for how many lbs I put on, or leave them in, after all, I still lost the lbs originally? xxxx
We did that too. I have a giant whiskey bottle floating around somewhere half full but it seems to have disappeared! I do it now on a smaller scale though we usually donate all the pennies and small change to charity. Sometimes!
Umm take them out and add them back in once you lose them again? Or leave them in and it'll probably be because you cheated or something, so no extra? Or maybe use discretion, if it's because you cheated take them out, if it's TOTM or something out of your control, leave them in. I don't know!! Up to you I guess!
That's a good idea!!! Seeing how I'm on my first week and due to get weighed on Friday I'm gonna start saving my lbs lost in £.

Should have a nice little stash saved up towards a shopping spree when I get to goal.