Herbal/fruit teas

Lady Marmalade

Bad girl warning...
Does anyone know where I can find the carb count of herbal or fruit teas? They often don't seem to list this info on the package, and where they do I usually can't tell if they mean as sold or the value for an average brewed cuppa.

Just thought it might be a way for me to cut down on milk/cream if I could have these instead of 'proper' tea.
Thanks for the tips Laura. I guess now all I have to do is actually make myself like the taste of them! Thank god for Splenda... :)
Have you tried Green tea LM, I drink a lot of that.
I was a complete tea addict and have now switched it for Redbush or Roobibush tea in all supermarkets - give it ago it's really tasty and I'm even enjoying it first thing in the morning.
Jim - mmm, green tea isn't too bad and very, very good for you I believe.

bp - I do like Redbush as an alternative to 'real' tea, but I like it with milk. Never tried it black, but I might give it a whirl.

I used to like the Twinings chamomile, honey & vanilla, and according to the pack that's only 0.3g carbs per cuppa. Might give it another go & see if it affects ketosis.