I've found something amazing!!


Repeat Offender
I find the whole no milk in tea thing difficult, so I just don't drink tea, but I've found something that isn't a cheat that replaces milk!

Basically, I was just making my original porridge and put the wrong amount of water in it, completely wrong. As soon as I poured it all in the bowl and mixed it a little I realised. I hadn't mixed it much, just enough for it all to whiten. So what I did was pour it through a sieve, put all of the porridge itself in the blender and some of the water in the blender too. There was about 70 or 80mls of water left which was actually really white. I tasted it and it's like sweetish milk! So I've just put it in tea and it's yum and my porridge still tastes great!!
eeewwwww.....not sure if I like the sound of that....but, hey, if it works for you....:confused:

Debz x
No I don't think I would have! I know it sounds odd but basically it is milk but from your allowance. I assume within the porridge there's a powdered milk, so add water and it's milk! but there was no lumps or anything.