slimmimg world chips

Oh yes! Butternut squash chips are good too! I do them without preboiling.They are free on red too. Both are free on EE.
I had a plateful of SW chips tonight too, with homemade curry. Yum!
I used to parboil mine, but my SWC recently mentioned spraying them with frylight and starting them off in the microwave. Then tip them onto a mesh baking tray (they cook both sides at once)(available from InStore and Home&Bargains) and chuck them in the oven!
I make lazy wedges by micro waving a potato for 5 mins then cutting it in to wedges and sticking it the over with the quorn/chicken. They are free but you would be surprised at how filling chips are - which is odd as I know I could polish of a large portion from the chip shop without blinking but nice plain potaotes I can't eat more than one medium.