

Silver Member
Has anyone been down this route? I try and try to diet, know what to do but just cant seem to stick to it. Have thought about going to my GP and seeing what help I can get? I know only I can do it but I am emotional eater and just cant seem to stick to any plan.

im a emotional eater too so i can relate.... its really hard but i find i take pleasure in watching my friends enjoy their food(unless im hungry) i have tried substituting taking a bath or coming on here or calling a friend and distracting myself for the times i wud normaly pig out, i also fatasise about what ppl will say when i lose the weight(and they will say it a lot!! i lost a lot of weight wen i was younger and loved the compliments i was getting even when they said it as not so much a compliment like "ur too skinny") its really hard but i know it gets easier as this is my second time on my diet. Ive never had councelling for my eating habits so i cant help there but i do think its a really good idea.... there is no harm in going to someone about it, because ther must be reason behind why u emotional eat.... maybe helping with your emotions will help u stop emotional eating?? i duno if im making much sense so sorry.... keep trying, u will get there :D:D xx