Muscles diminished or diminishing


Silver Member
Ok so we all know by now that that LL actually eats away at muscle mass, having said this its not just LL but any diet that involves Ketosis or major weight loss.

So Yesterday here I was in B&Q, I needed to buy Cement bags and what i used to lift with no problem was a real struggle for me yesterday. I had to lift it up balance it on my body and then dump it into the trolley.. now as hilarious as this seemed :) I realised I have become a wimp!

To make matters worse my upper back is now killing me from this lifting exercise!

So muscle power for men and women how are you finding it, are you realising that you cant lift the things you used to?

Mind you im in week 4 of RTM.
my strength was terrible when i started weights again. I was such a wimp! Glad to say though that after a couple fo months it's pretty much back to normal. I've got thigh muscles rather than just skinny legs and my upper body strength is much better too.
I think it ws partly due to not having done any proper exercise for so long and also I'd lost quite a bit of muscle. I couldn't even do a squat at one point!
I'm back to normal now though now there's plenty of fuel in the tank. I'm sure you will be soon too!
I hope so because if somebody gave me a good right hook i would probably pass out and die at this point lol
lol. That's exactly how I felt. My OH was laughing so much at me trying to lift the shopping (sympathitic I know!) Having been super fit in my early 20s and loving weight lifting it was a bit of a shock to bhave so little strength. But as I say, it has returned!
I feel my muscles 'hurting' quite often especially in my arms since they get the least attention exercise wise. Legs get tired easily but I push past that...
I have found I'm a lot weaker physically... Technically speaking though who knows how muscular I really was under 8st worth of flab - after all it does take some sort of physical fitness to have to carry around 18st 7 on a small body frame!

Don't worry though Hus.. A little exercise and you'll be ok again in a month or two. :)
I feel great myself - I can walk further and faster then ever - uphill, uneven terrain, etc., and I could never do that before. Not without a great deal of effort. I can also do push ups for the first time in my life.

While my muscle mass is smaller, as the weight is gone I can move it more easily.

Whatever you lost H, which is probably a small amount will come back straight away as you get more and more physical. :)
I have nowhere near as much strength as I used to have. I guess it's cos my muscles were used to carrying the weight so they could just lift more.

I do feel good now don't get me wrong but I still find myself going into things with blind confidence without thinking about it. I nearly killed myself getting the christmas decs out the loft for example lol...
Yeah i know guys but i feel like a wimp :) still i agree BL being fitter is far better then being overweight and tired all the time.

Guy i was laughing so hard at the loft story LOL, its funny as i can so relate to you :)
Ok so we all know by now that that LL actually eats away at muscle mass, having said this its not just LL but any diet that involves Ketosis or major weight loss.

that's a big confusing...or is it me. Long, hard day at the mill :D

The more weight you lose, the more fat in relation to muscle you lose. Doesn't matter that it's ketogenic, though on a ketogenic diet research shows a slight preference of fat loss vs muscle loss compared to a low fat diet.

Yeah, we lose muscle but perhaps not so much and most of the muscle we don't actually need any more.

The reason that you might be find yourself lacking in strength might be more to do with decreased performance of the muscles at the moment while they are short of glycogen, rather than mass muscle loss.

It should improve when you carb up :)
The reason that you might be find yourself lacking in strength might be more to do with decreased performance of the muscles at the moment while they are short of glycogen, rather than mass muscle loss.

It should improve when you carb up :)

Actually I have to agree.. I forgot how I felt when I was "carbed up" so to speak in my break from Lighter Life in January. I felt very energetic, and had plenty of strength to spare (granted not as much as I did when I was 18st, but normal in proportion to myself). Now that I am in Ketosis again it does take more effort to keep moving and I do feel weaker.

By the end of RTM you'll be ok!
I always feel really weak, not as in lacking energy but my arms get really tired etc, but it will all be worth it in the end and I can build myself up again when I'm done :)

Small price to pay really!

Emma xXx