what the??


Full Member
Ok so today was my proper weigh in and I was very happy this morning to see this week id lost 6lbs this was before Id had anything to drink or my sf
Anyway was telling hubby this afternoon and had to show him the scales to see its right back to my starting weight :confused:
I only cheated once this week and had a big mac and some fries eeek has this really done it? or could this be just cause it was after my evening meal and because ive been drinking my water?
I was wide awake when I weighed myself this morning and knew id lost 5lbs cause I posted it on another thread and was hoping to shed 1lb for today and thus this morning it seemed I did??
Am I being paranoid?
hiya hun....you ALWAYS weigh more at nighttime than you do in the morning - which is why its so important to keep to a regular time with your weighing! I think your totally right about the scales being different yesterday morning to last night, it will be because of our water/evening meal. Try not to let it worry you hun.