Hi im new


Full Member
Hi all, just thought id introduce myself. Im Lynsey, 31 and need to lose quite a bit of weight, tired lots of ways but here iam trying again, hoping this time will be it. Hope you dont mind me joining. Is this a busy forum? Any ideas on meal plans for me? Will be starting tmrw and doing an online shop this evening! Hope to talk more.
i think the best thing for me was jst counting my calories for a few days. see how many you are eating, try weeding out the caroies that really are a waste after the first few days. then you will need to find lower calorie substitues for what you are eatting to bring your count down. i think it will ease you in to CC in a gradual method.
Hi there, good suggestion from preetone about finding out wasted cals. If you looking for extra help with meals search here on minimins or use sparkpeople.com.I have just started using it, its free, plans your meals for you, tells you whats on your shopping list and all that jazz pretty good. I dont let it rule me thoug it just check the cal son the food im going to eat and adjust the amounts. google is your friend...my friend lol