Endless Food Chatter whilst CD 100%ing?


Full Member
What coping strategies or advice can you give me to cope with a very food-centred workplace?

The woman sitting next to me starts talking about what to order in for lunch at approximately 9:45, and doesn't stop talking about food (or snacking) until she leaves at 3:30. (It's something she's known for in the office, so I know it isn't just me being oversensitive)

I'm restarting CD today, so tomorrow is the fun that can be Day Two. She's coming back from a long holiday in Spain, which means she'll be talking about holiday food as well as regular food.

She' a lovely woman, so I'd really like to be able to get through tomorrow and the next week without biting her head off. Earplugs or a gag aren't an option either! ;)

Anyone else have a similar situation? Any advice?
at times like this I am glad I work from home lol, sory no adivice, been working from home for 5 years now, out of the work based loop
if it was me i would explain to her what you are doing (if you are happy with people knowing you are on CD) and politely ask her to try to talk less about food as it is the subject that you are avoiding.

If this doesn't work then put laxatives in her drink and she won't be at her desk to talk about it ... that is a joke though ... :)
Do you think that you could ask her to not talk about food? It might do her some good by the sound of it!!! It is hard, and I have it too at work but I just don't join in and try and zone out if needed. Then when people are eating chocolate and their lunches I just think that one day I can do that too, but not today.
That doesn't really help you, but I would try and ask her, tell her that you are dieting and that it is hard to hear about food all the time. Hopefully she did something other than eat in Spain and will tell you about that!
I feel your pain, though I can't relate to it. Pre-CD I just ate food. During CD I talked about it, I planned it, I dissected every ingredient when I cooked for my family.

Unfortunately, 4 years later and I'm still doing the same :D
Tempting suggestion, KirstyJ...


I don't know if it would help to just ask her to stop, Bingbong. She does it so much that I kind of wonder if it isn't a kind of coping mechanism she has herself? She makes a big fuss about not gaining weight, and I know she diets or is managing her intake pretty strictly. (weighs out her food portions when she's at home.)

One of the other girls in the office who sits nearby has been trying to do a SW diet for ages and has really struggled with it, mainly because of the constant food conversation.

KD - I focus on food much more when I'm dieting, but it's more in terms of getting mildly... er... M&S foodish... about the smells and texture of food I am about to eat. (even foodpacks - they smell lovely, most of them) But I don't go on about food I fancy, because that would lead to me falling off the wagon in a disturbing blur of wrappers or takeaway containers.
I tend to talk about food at home, OH is still eating so sometimes when he askes me too buy him tea or make him some i proper get into it, like at lunch i made him a chilli from scratch which i normally use a pack for the spices and stuff, but since cd i can smell alot better and i could tell what it needed spice wise.

Food at work is a diffrent matter, there is a guy at work who eats non-stop chocolate bars for a snack bacon butties for breakfast and then fish and chips or pizza or something equally bad for you for lunch i have never ever seen him eat any veg in the 6 months working there! i cant stand talking about food at work as it is easily accessable and i dont trust my will power enough not to slip back into my old routines.

I'm not looking forward to my week step up program as i dont know how i am going get back on ss after eating real food again!
Hi... i feel your pain, but sorry, i cant offer any advice ;-(

Im a glutton for punishment and spend my days at work talking with the others about food and what i like as i feel this helps me (no idea in what way) plus like KD i dissect the kids and hubby's tea and like to cook it for myself so i can indulge in the smells. I feel like its my own brand of a therapy.

good luck.
Know that feeling...I work in a small office and all they talk about is food, worse now as they know i'm re-starting cambridge. they always ask what i'm having for lunch, actually get bored saying shake lol..but just keep thinking that if i stick to it this time i'll be size 10 come july/august so that keeps me going!
Hmmm, its better that she talks about rather than eating all the time. I sit next to an idiot who eats not stop right next to me so im continuously smelling toasted teacakes with melted butter and chocolate and crisps! I suppose thats where willpower comes into it. Whenever you go there will always be food and food talk - Ive just noticed just how many adverts are on tv for food - it rediculous!!