Buddy List!


Staff member
This is a list of users you wish to identify as your Buddies. To add a user to your buddy list, go to your User CP and in the left Nav Panel under Miscellaneous, select [Buddy / Ignore Lists], type the username you wish to add in the Buddy List and click 'Save List' [Update Buddy List]

To remove a user from either the Buddy or Ignore Lists, un-tick the box next to their name and click the 'Save List' button.

To add a user to either list, enter their name in the empty boxes for that list and click 'Save List'.

Alternately, you can click on their username in any post and, from the drop-down menu, click the [Add username to Your Buddy List] link.

Buddies will appear in the Users online list with a + sign following their username.
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