oh dear


Silver Member
well yesterday was my best friends birthday, so we went to the cinema...and the pub..and mcdonalds!! aarghh! i darent count how many syns i had yesterday, nightmare!

Also, my best friend suffers from anorexia, and told us last night (when she was drunk) the last time she ate was 3 weeks ago. all she has been having is milk. its breaking my heart, i dont know what to do. we have sat down and talked to her for hours and hours, and she knows she has a problem but she just doesnt want to sort it out. shes refusing to see the counsellor, refusing to eat, refusing to go back to the doctors. She is 18 (same as me) and when we took her home, her mum told us she doesn't know what to do, shes prob going to end up in hospital. to be honest, i think its the best place for her. could she be put into hospital for not eating for 3weeks?
ive just lost my uncle i cant lose her too.
hey, im a recovering anorexic/bullimic/EDNOS.
i see a phsuchiatrist etc and now i feel the best i ever felt, after having the ED for 6 yrs it wasnt me! but to tell u the truth when i was lyin in hospital beds nothing would make me change my mind. there becomes a point were you just get so fed up and in such a mess you know in yourself when you need to recover and it is hard but she will do it she needs a bit of leeway though as when you go on and on it will make her want to do it more trust me, its hard but she will when shes ready, try encourage her to eat veg (safe foods as they call it) least its something :) xxx
yeah, we try not to mention it - but she brought it up last night, so we did talk about it a little bit, but this has been going on for nearly 4 years, its getting to the point where everyone is scared that we are going to lose her. she is disapearing, she must be about 5stone, if that. not eating for three weeks is scary, surely she is just going to collapse? xxxxx
its weird to explain but i weighed 7 n half stone at one point and no matter what i didnt want to get better (im 5'8) and like you have to be in the right frame ov mine trust me:) xxx