4 Weeks and 1 day of SS and I went loopy last night!


Full Member
I have no idea what happened... I was a monster!
Been ok recently with not feeling hungry and getting into the zone - I even did a 20 minute aerobics session as advised by my CDC and felt great after...
1 hour later, I felt depressed, I was shivering, the pit of my stomach was growling sooooo loud - i could not face the thought of a shake. All I had in my head was food!!!!
I went for a lie down for 15 mins and was still a moody old cow when I got up. I went onto my pc and started looking at ordering a Dominos Pizza and started to cry! I wanted it sooo bad but knew that i would feel guilty after - even though i was kidding myself by saying to my boyfriend "ah, it will be fine, I will be back in Ketosis in a day".
After staring obsessed at the computer, I decided to look at my wedding dress that is on order and thought I am being stupid. Had a shake, a hot water bottle and went to bed at 9pm.
What a cow bag!grrrrrrrrrrr
"Don't give up" :cry:. Think of all that weight you have lost. Did you see that Claire Sweeney program last night? It was so true. No-Body can be perfect all of the time we are only human and are allowed to fall of the bandwagon once in a while. You just have to pick yourself up and start again. Hang on in there it really is worth it.:p
Well done for not giving in........I think I will end up being really grumpy and having loads of bubble baths and early nights!

Well Done xx
you were only tempted you didn't do anything that you didn't want to do in fact you have proved to yourself that its you thats making the decisions here and not the monster on your shoulder that was telling you to phone dominos.
Be positive about it, you wanted to but you didn't so if you carry on doing the same thing you'll reach your goal
Well done:0clapper:
I agree with Jayne, you shouldn't beat yourself up because you managed to resist the temptation and that is the important thing. You didn't order the pizza you stopped and continued with the diet. That's something to be proud of. You could have easily had the meal but you CHOSE not to.
Gunna-make-it, are you hanging on in there, i just read the bottom of your post where it says 27 weeks to your wedding, are you sorted yet,
don't give in mate its all going to be worth it in the end, just think how fab you'll look in your dress and on your honeymoon - are you going somewhere?
(we didn't thats why I'm not assuming - maybe I should think about a honeymoon for my 20th wedding anniversary next year)