Question for counsellors...


Cambridge Counsellor
I've emailed Cambridge about this, but have yet to receive a response.

Obviously I know that Bullimia is contra-indicated, but is it a straight 'no' to a bullimic doing the Cambridge Diet, or would a person be allowed if they had their form signed and were attending an eating disorders clinic for their problem? If thy still couldn't ss, would they be allowed to do one of the other steps under these conditions?

Thanks in advance. :)

Jo x
I don't know the answer to this, I will try and get one for you!

Dom x
Hey Jo, I think the answer would be a blanket no, on the grounds that it is too open to abuse. Would be interested in the answer from HO though. Who did you contact - Liza?
Thanks, Dom. :)

Slinks: I sent the email to Pauline Skinner's address, knowing it might be out of date! That was just the one I had in my address book. I too think it'll be a blanket no, though.

While you're here, Slinks, i've just finally added an avatar on here, but it looks too small to me! Seems you're the font of all knowledge on these things... any ideas? :)

Jo x
Yes I think it will be a no as well, it does come under the contraindicated conditions, which mean you cannot do any Cambridge Diet programe, not even with a Dr's sig.

Do let us know what Cambridge say though, to make sure I'm on the right track. Thanks
If you don't hear back, give em a call on Monday or email Liza.

Erm, the avatars on here are only 80 x 80, so will look smaller than the ones you are used to on the pink site, etc. Looks about right to me (still got killer cleavage I notice! ;) )
Dotty: Yes, i'll update this thread if and when I get a definitive answer!

Slinks: Will do. Thanks for that. :)
Ah, never thought about the avatars automatically being a particular size! :rolleyes: At least it makes my cleavage look smaller. :p

Jo x
Just to let you all know, Cambridge have now got back to me and said that under no circumstances can a Bullimic follow any of the programmes.

As I expected, I guess.

Jo x