The effect of VLCD's (if that's how you call it)


One last chance
If you have under gone a diet like LT in other words a diet where you do not eat at all, does you eating pattern changes.

When me and my sisters go back to eating again, will we naturally eat less then what we used to? and will our bodies reject some foods that we used to eat also?

That would be very interesting :p
hey hunni
even tho ive only been on for 6 weeks I found that when i did eat I got full up straight away. I had one small piece of chicken and some scrambled eggs.... and i thought my stomach would pop.
your taste buds definitely get reconditioned and you will find that you dont like the taste of so many things.. especially unhealthy things. when i did LT over the summer and then went back to eating, I could not stomach anything fried and ate very small portions but still felt stuffed. my body definitely rejected oily food, it made me feel physically sick and also gave me a bad stomach.

also after being on a diet like this I think you just naturally start thinking of healthier options coz u know how hard LT has been and you wouldnt wanna go through it again. You will also get a better taste for food as well. Its amazing the amount of junk we eat on a regular basis and i really do think LT knocks that out of your system.

most importantly the key is not to go back to the way you were eating... its a good idea to stay away from those foods from the beginning or at least eat them in moderation otherwise you will get a taste for the bad stuff again. hope that makes sense...

the good thing is that you and your sister can support eachother and you'll be watching what the other eats !
Oh wow, sounds awesome! I hope I end up like the you did when eating such small amounts
When me and my sisters go back to eating again, will we naturally eat less then what we used to? and will our bodies reject some foods that we used to eat also?

At first, it's hard to eat as much as before, but with practice it gets easier ;)

Doesn't matter which diet you do, you have a similar chance of maintaining. Personally I don't think anyone way gives you a real advantage over another.

It's simple. Eat less, exercise more and repeat for the rest of your life.

Sometimes 'simple' isn't easy but you do get to chose what journey you want.

Stay or gain it all. Completely free to take whatever path you chose ;)
Hi. Am still on my VLCD journey but over the summer I was eating healthy and exercising loads (lost about 28lbs) and after a month of that I couldn't stomach food from fast food restaurants. Plus I found I automatically watched what I ate because I knew it was so hard to work it off at the gym. I especially cut out biscuits because I remember thinking to myself one biscuit is 70 calories which equals a good 7 intense minutes on the cross trainer. Not worth it at all!

I believe VLCDs will help you with portion sizes especially, plus helping you know the difference between hunger and thirst. So hopefully it should help you long term.
I think its gonna be up to the person... yea it trains you to eat smaller portions and think of the healthier option.. but of course you can re train yourself back to eating sh*t food again...

I heard maintenance is tough as well... if you're determined (which I know u are Yasmine) you just make sure you never look back.. not even for a second.. stay healthy afterwards at all costs..