What`s happening I`m hungry


Full Member
Hi guys

I have just started week 5 of ss+ and have lost 23lb so far and until now have never felt hungry , not even at the beginning but the last few days I have been getting hungry and don`t know why. I am drinking at least 3 1/2 litres water a day and am in ketosis.

Could be hormonal, or just a transitory thing, you know like your body is making one big effort to make you eat before it drops some more weight? I often found I had a hungry spell before a good weight loss - it will pass
Could be hormonal, or just a transitory thing, you know like your body is making one big effort to make you eat before it drops some more weight? I often found I had a hungry spell before a good weight loss - it will pass

Hi :)

I agree with Kikuka here hun and I'm sure it will pass very soon. Just keep your water intake at a sensible and comfortable level for you and use all your distracting skills until it bogs off!!;):D

You're doing brilliantly and this may be "head hunger" you know that is playing games with you? Don't give in to it..xx