Losing appetite


Full Member
Last week i caught my partners bug making me feel sick constantly, making it difficult to eat (was down to one meal a day for a couple of days). I got over that and started eating properly again then i got cramps from my first period in quite a few months (was on injection). So crappy start to this week too, it's put my appetite back down again as i don't cope well with the pain and makes me feel so ill. I am worried this is going to start affecting my weight-loss in a bad way? Any suggestions on light meals that aren't too boring i can have? or any advice? Sorry to bug you with this normal womanly thing but i feel so ill with it but i am determined to stick with it as christmas isn't far away.
I can't give advice but i'm feeling the same(ish) i'm really ill and the past few days i've only eaten once in a day...
There's a lot of it going around xx