Online Recipe Nutritional Information Analyser


LighterLife Returner
Hi All,

i found this great webpage: Recipe Calculator

where you plug in your recipe, and see what the nutritional information is! Its great!

The only issue is that is is very USA centric - in terms of names of foods and measurements, etc.

Does anybody have any similar online analysers or software, that is UK or EU based?

Many Thanks,

Mr Mini Me
I guess it is a business BL and there's a bit more to the site than just that. WLR has a 24 hour free trial though so if you just wanted a list of some things, I guess you could use it that way?

Yep. WLR rocks. Has everything because of the way it works. Most of the other calculators have a different way of entering new products to WLR, which often means they get out of date very quickly.

Oooh, and it gives the calorie density of foods:cool:

And the plans rock! Because it's easy to change one or two items on the fly without having to change the original plan.:cool: