Eating little & often is fab!


I find eating little & often is great, because it basically means I get to eat something every couple of hours. We are almost conditioned to eat set meals. Normally: breakfast, lunch, dinner & supper, and most of us have big meals and snack inbetween. If you go the 'little & often route' then you can have some breakfast, a reasonably healthy snack in the morning. A smaller lunch, a snack a couple of hours later. You have a small portion of dinner, or even split your dinner in two, so you have say one half of it at 5pm and the other half at 7pm, and then some fruit or cereals etc for supper. The experts say this is the best way to eat & it keeps your metabolism going. I've found this to be a great way of eating. It's weird at first, but once you get into the routine it's easy.

I've cut out a lot of bread from my diet (when I say diet I mean 'eating regime' but it sounds a bit poncy!) ;) I also have cereals alot for lunch or a wrap (rather than a sandwich). I've started to drink a lot of water at work and after I've exercised and I eat a lot of fruit.

If you go the little & often route it also means you can have the odd unhealthy bit of food, but in smaller quanities. So you can have a slice of pizza (rather than a whole one), or a bar of chocolate. Because you are not filling yourself up it really works.

I have to admit I hate diets. I'm not a fan of any of them 'personally'. I think the way to go is to eat healthily, small portions and exercise every day (or when you can). No one will ever stick to a diet for the rest of their lives, but if you just eat healthily & exercise - it's more of a lifestyle choice rather than a diet.
Hi there. I've been reading your posts and I reckon you have a sensible approach. The food, water and exercise diary is a really good idea. Keep up the good work! :)
Hi, I do Slimming World and due to my lifestyle and my job I eat little and often as I am not able to sit down to 3 meals a day.
I love to eat little and often:cool:
I eat little an often as well. I never really liked just sitting down to 3 big meals as a child but it was just something I got used to. I'm much happier eating this way most of the time :)