Hair loss, is it a gradual thing?


Full Member
I am panicking like mad that my hair will start to fall out in clumps. For those who did experience hair loss was it gradual, was it very noticable? I've read on here that it's more likely to happen if you ss for a long time and I don't need to be on it that long really before I start moving up the plans.

Also did you get any warning signs, tingly scalp etc?

Roz x
I found this from an old thread which may interest you

What we have to remember is hair goes through three stages..

The life cycle of a hair is divided into three phases.

The actively growing (Anagen) phase, the transitional (Catagen) phase, and the resting (Telogen) phase.

During the anagen phase, protein and keratin are continuously made. It is during this phase that the hair shaft is manufactured and pushed upward to its natural length. A hair's anagen, or growth phase, lasts from 3 to 5 years, and represents what is occurring to about 90% of the hair on your head at any given time.

In the catagen, or transitional phase, there are chemical and structural changes in the hair follicle.
The hair stops growing, and remains in this phase for only two to three weeks before moving into the next phase.

Finally, hair enters the telogen phase where it basically just sits on your head for about 3 months. Then, it falls out only to be replaced by the next budding hair in the anagen phase which begins to grow from the same hair follicle. These replacement hairs get finer and thinner as a person ages. In most settings of baldness, the hair follicle simply shuts down and refuses to put out more hair to replace the ones that have fallen out.

So basically if any of you lose any hair due to drastic weight loss, you have to remember that the hair is also going through all of these cycles and as soon as the body resumes its normal state, It will continue its cycle and regrow...

It's worth remembering a person normally sheds up to 100 hairs per day. Hair growth occurs at about an inch per month, faster when it's hot (summer) and slower when it's cold (winter). Growing older also reduces the hair growth, as we mature it slows down slightly.

Things that can influence hair growth include not only hormones, but nutrition, vitamins, emotional states, and many unknown factors, within 3 months of resuming a healthy eating plan I'm sure you will see a major improvement...

And it's also worth remembering long hair always looks worse when its in the brush or bath tub, being longer and wrapped up it kind of looks far more than there is..
Shorter hair will shed without the person really noticing at all...
In other words, your hair doesn't fall out during SS it just stops growing. Once you resume healthy eating you hair will start to regrow and shed all of the old hair which will seem like hair loss xx
mine is still growing and so is OH's cos i had to cut his the other night...

mind you, i do keep having dreams of my hair falling out... makes a change to the usual dreams of teeth falling out xx