excess skin cream?


Im just me!
Does any1 no if there is a cream to help reduce excess fat on tops of arms? as its really wobble now lost weight and hate it!
Or is it just exercise i need to do?
I really need help with this too, my arms are huge?
I heard bio oil is supposed to help my arms get enough exercise with all the ironing...lol
Gemma hun, I think for you exercise would be the best thing as it would tone up what you have got. After weight loss skin can take a long time to shrink back, although the younger you are the quicker it normally is. However if it is wobbly, building the muscle in your arms would help to stop that, and although will not shrink what you have, it will make it look much better! Trust me, I still have a way to go to get to goal but am already working on my arms in the gym and can see the difference, despite the fat thats sitting on top of my muscles!!

definitely toning exercises at the gym on resistance machines or even invest in a set of dumbells - not too heavy but more repetitions to get it toned. I would also use a firming or cellulite cream too!!! any cream to be honest as you need to keep moisturising to keep the skin supple and avoid stretch marks - wish someone had given me that advice over the years!!!
good luck
Yoga is also really good for the arms - when i was doing yoga in India i had actual arm muscles after only 2 weeks. The exercises are really easy for your arms too.