
Angel in training
Please can someone help me... I want to do the cambridge diet and have an appointment next week ! but...... the more I read the more confused I am getting...(its not hard ..really it isn't !)

I know my doctor wont agree for me to do this as they dont agree with VLCD's ...
so what do I do ? I have read some say NO NO cant do it with out doctors signature and some say oh YES! you can...

I have no medical conditions apart from being bloody fat lol..but I do have BMI of 46...

I have read that you can start with a 1200 and 2CD's ...is this common knowledge with in the CDC community cause I have read some CDC's contradict this...or is it just down to the CDC you see ?

Sorry to waffle on but I would like to know if this is possible..as I am going mad!!!

Cheers me dears..
I dunno if your doc would still say no to that.

You could get your BMI down and then start so that you don't need your docs approval.

You will require a GP signature if your BMI is over 40 but quite correct you can do the 1200 plan without GP signature.
For the Sole Source programme when your BMI is down to 40 your CDC will write to inform your GP you are on the programme. It is not permission, merely for your GP's information.