Starting Tomorrow.... Watch this sapce :-)

Starting Lipotrim tomorrow. I'm going to be on here alot for encouragement so expect to see alot of me over the coming weeks... :)
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enjoy ya trip on LT you have come to the right place, good luck xxx
Or you can even watch this SPACE rather than sapce :)

It's late (that's my excuse):giggle:
Hi honey! You promised me you would do it this time...and now you've got everyone on here to make you do it! Especially Gaz, he's just left you a post...he's harsh but only when you deserve it :D xx
Welcome to LT madness and good luck in your journey to the new you xxx
welcome onboard and see you back here amora with your thoughts on the shakes, good luck your among friends here
Good luck to you and determined be strong and you WILL succeed ...xx
Welcome hun, let us know how you go on with your first day, and some of your thoughts, youl prob find we have all had the same! lolol good and bad, and well done you for taking those first steps towards the new you, you wont regret it jx
Still early yet....

Well I know it's still early yet but I'm feeling pretty good :)
Although, I have got the hic-cups and it tastes as if I've just drank baby milk :)

Here's to the other 2 shakes I'll be having today :party0049:

Thanks for all your messages guys, I know I can stick to it with support like that xxxx