Getting back on track


Full Member
I would love to know if its possible to get back on track after a two day major blip (the word blip implies a little bit of extra lettuce, and that wasn't the case at all)

I have been on CD since the beginning of September, and i've been good as gold, but suddenly its all gone wrong for no reason at all, and i'm terrified i'm not going to be able to restart again.

I feel such a failure.
Yes you can get back on track! You've done sooooo well so far, don't give up now :D

If you are anything like me, remembering that horrible feeling that you have now will motivate you not to do it again.

Good luck x

You are not a failure, everybody has off days, God knows i have had my fair share!

The important thing is to realise that you have done amazingly well so far and you CAN get back to it and get to your target.

Maybe set yourself a new mini goal or go treat yourself to something (non food related).

Draw a line under it and get your head down!

Good luck
You can do it, the trick is to move on instead of dwelling on it. I dwelled on it instead of doing something about it, and ended up 2.5 stones higher than when I'd originally started. If I'd just got back on it, I'd have been fine. A little (or major even) blip here and there is life, it's fine, don't worry about it. You can do this, we all know you can (even you deep down know that, I'm sure)
