

Has anyone else had a change to their TOTM?? I seem to have started this morning two weeks early without the usual build up of sore boobies and water retention!! Is this just a reaction to my change in diet and will I get my period as normal in two weeks?? I am on the coil so am usually really regular.

Funny how I expect you all to be doctors out there but you are all so helpful.



Very common for changes when on a VLCD so don't worry.

As always if you are concerned then pop along and see your GP as he/she should be your major source of medical advice.

Have a good weekend

You store hormones in your fat so as it is used as a source of energy - hormones are released into you system.........lots of clients doing a VLCD find that their cycle will change and be affected. :)
Totally normal Louise. I thought I was immune cos like you I was regular as clockwork - first one was just as I started CD as normal, second was on time but a bit heavier than usual - 3rd one 2 weeks early! SHould all settle down once the hormones released during your weightloss stop going mental.
My periods are completely up the swanny anyway, so I know how you feel. I'm hoping I will return to some sort of normality???