IS the last stone always so difficult

Jackie r

Full Member
This is my second time round, last time I couldn't shift the last stone on CD SSing, this time it's the same, has anyone else found the last stone difficult or is it only me?
I need to lose this weight, and am working damned hard at it. It is not as though my BMI is 25 it's still at 27.6
it is sooo frustrating.
Any advice anyone, oh and by the way I was 100% last week, the week before one tiny piece of beef.
This week is officially add a meal, counsellor has suggested that if it doesn't shift this week then I might need to move up!!
Help pelase.

Hi Jackie,

I'll share my thoughts with you even though I don't know the ins and outs of CD for the latter stages.

I did find my last stone extremely hard but not because the weight loss slowed, more to do with my own state of mind.

For ages (since 13 stone :eek: ) people were telling me that I was almost there and not to lose anymore so that when it came round to the last stone I felt like it was taking forever :rolleyes:

The last 1/2 stone even worse because by then I was within a healthy BMI and just wanted to get into the 23's for my BMI. When I looked in the mirrow and saw a slim person looking back at me I wondered what the hell I was still doing the stupid diet for - especially given that so many women in this country are over weight.

All I can say is that this is the time where I really had to dig deep and tell myself that I was worth worth more than a compromise ;)

Fingers crossed for your last stone Jackie :D
Having been 12st overweight initially, I have 2 and a half stone left to go and I'm finding it really tough to stay focused. Without doubt the home straight is the hardest part so you have my every sympathy.

Got my fingers crossed for you that you can go that extra mile and get to where you want to be.

(Hope I can do the same too! :rolleyes: )
I can only agree, I am finding it really hard. I have about a stone left to go to reach the target weight that I set myself 6 stone ago.

My problems are in my head though, I have told myself that I should be happy with the weight that I have reached, I can wear some size 12 clothes, which is more than I could have ever thought possible 6 months ago. The thing that stops me moving on to maintenance straight away is that I know I would be disappointed in myself if I don't see it through to the end. My weight loss has slowed too though, which again makes it hard. My loss has been a fairly constant 4lbs every week, the last 3 weeks I have lost 1lb, 1lb and then 3 lbs. I just keep reminding myself that it is coming off, and that it will only be a few more weeks!

For anyone who has gone through stabilisation, how much did you lose while doing 790 and 1000 programmes?

It is harder when you get nearer target, and you need to be patient.
Yes, the chatterbox makes more visits, but it sounds like your dealing with that okay.

What about doing a week of AAM, then SSing again? Or maybe changing the time you have your jolt your body. Do you have the bars? Maybe if you have the higher carbs bars, you could swap them for the peanut or cranberry which are lower.

Up your water?

Can't think of anything else that could help for the moment.

You may just have to resort to patience:rolleyes: Darn annoying though isn't it.

Thanks Karion, just started getting head right, and think I might just up water, stop bars, space packs better, and put even more water. Not going to do AAM I think that would not be good at present, if I did that then I would probably not stop eating at the moment. Not yet in the right head place. Could be soon though. Working on it.
Ype it is darned annoying, I remember Mike had an issue with the bars in his last month. Shame cause they are good, but not good enough to have to do this any longer than is necessary.

Thanks again

Hi Jackie
As you will have seen from my earlier thread, I'm finding it tough too. Now I am at a healthy BMI, there is a monster at the back of my mind saying 'stop doing the diet now, you don't need to lose anymore weight'. But I want to be 9 stone and I know if I stop now I will be disappointed I never got that far and made the 'choice' between that or a slightly higher weight. Certainly as far as willpower goes, my previous poised, control freak has disappeared in the last few days to another monster (plenty of monsters recently) that has been saying 'you've been so good and you've done so well, go and treat yourself'. It's tough but even if the weight loss is slower, so long as it's going down, we'll get there. There's no rush after all.
It's tough but even if the weight loss is slower, so long as it's going down, we'll get there. There's no rush after all.

I sooo agree with you about the weight slowly coming off after having seen fast results at the start. It's frustrating that losing 1lb a week could be achieved from most diets (particularly involving food). But what I like is that CD is giving me all the nutrients I need.
Is there a rush? Umm, maybe a Christmas goal but only (sadly) so I can eat and enjoy knowing I can susccessfully return again in New Year.