Is it a bad idea to...


Full Member
This might sound stupid, but is it a bad idea to drink a lot of water on your weigh in day? Obviously water shows on the scales pretty quickly therefore could affect the number that shows on the scales.

Do you treat your WI day as any other normal day? I drink about 2L of water a day at work but I feel if i do that on weigh in day it's gonna affect the number!

Again, this might sound stupid just wanted some opinions haha.
I WI first thing after my loo trip as im doin it from home. But the night before i always make sure i drink lots - at least a litre before i go to bed as to flush the system the minute i get up.
I weigh in at night, I have breakfast, a light lunch, a piece of fruit and a maybe a bottle of water and that's it til I weigh in.
I'm one of the naughty ones. I have FF yoghurt for breakfast and then nothing else until I've been weighed. I have a few sips of water in the daytime and occasionally a can of red bull if I get desperate. I know it's not good for me but I convince myself that if I don't do this I will not lose anything.....
Ah so it seems people do eat less / drink less on weigh in day... Water weight does count for a lot unfortunately!
My WI night is also my main weekly meeting afternoon at work, and there are ALWAYS biscuits served at the meetings. I usually resist, holding back especially because I will be weighing in, in about an hour after the meeting. But there are those times of low will power when I simply can't resist, and of course a biccie needs a cup of tea. I can honestly say, over 5 months of SW with on average a slip up per month that the extra syn just before WI does NOT change a thing.

Let your average weight loss over a month be your guide, not your actual weight including water in your system at the moment of standing on the scales. If you are following the program then you will lose weight, and the few ounces you might gain or lose by drinking water or going to the toilet just before weighing will become irrelevant as you see that the program works.

I used to wonder the same thing about what clothing to wear to WI. As I go directly from work it has to be work clothes and I started off trying to wear "something light". Now I realise that ultimately the few grams a belt or thick cardigan adds is really nothing compared to the weight of my body and the effects of my eating pattern over the past week.
My WI night is also my main weekly meeting afternoon at work, and there are ALWAYS biscuits served at the meetings. I usually resist, holding back especially because I will be weighing in, in about an hour after the meeting. But there are those times of low will power when I simply can't resist, and of course a biccie needs a cup of tea. I can honestly say, over 5 months of SW with on average a slip up per month that the extra syn just before WI does NOT change a thing. Let your average weight loss over a month be your guide, not your actual weight including water in your system at the moment of standing on the scales. If you are following the program then you will lose weight, and the few ounces you might gain or lose by drinking water or going to the toilet just before weighing will become irrelevant as you see that the program works. I used to wonder the same thing about what clothing to wear to WI. As I go directly from work it has to be work clothes and I started off trying to wear "something light". Now I realise that ultimately the few grams a belt or thick cardigan adds is really nothing compared to the weight of my body and the effects of my eating pattern over the past week.

I'm not too fussed about food during the day, it's more the drink.. As I drink a lot! Lol.. Sometimes I can weigh myself at home, drink a litre of water and it shows on the scales straight away! It's mental.. Haha.. I think I'm gonna drink minimal amounts of water to avoid that happening!! Lol.

I normally wear the same clothes every week just so I know it's consistent but tbh clothes probably all weigh the same now a days!
I'm such a sadsack lol, the other week I bought a special sports shirt just because it weighed precisely 95 grams! Anything to get that extra sticker and certificate :D Our C says most people she knows do weird things on WI day, but we should see it as a bit of fun and concentrate on average losses.
At our group, I've seen people take off watches and jewellery. I wouldn't thought they would make much of a difference.
I suppose it is a good thing for me being weighed in on a morning. I don't eat anything before that though and I always take my breakfast with me!
. . . Sometimes I can weigh myself at home, drink a litre of water and it shows on the scales straight away! It's mental..

Well, of course it does - so it would if you just picked up the bottle and got on the scales! But a litre of water will soon work its way through - and out - in the usual way!
If you usually drink plenty of water during the day I would continue doing that. Surprisingly to get rid of retained water you have to actually drink water. If you are really worried maybe don't drink for an hour or two just before weigh in.
I have 3 or 4 pints of water everyday along with 5 to 6 cups of tea with 250ml milk as my HEA.