Induction Body fat increasing each week


Full Member
Hi guys, I've been doing atkins for 4 weeks now, I've been weighing myself weekly and have found each week if have an increase in body fat by around 2% Can anyone feedback whether this is ok? I was expecting a reduction. My overall weight is reducing but the fat is increasing. It's a little worrying! Any help would be appreciated! Thanks Binni
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How do you know your body fat is increasing just by weighing yourself?

Yes, I've been using the scales they have in the store boots. It measures your weight and body fat. Each week I go for my weigh in, the body fat is always showing an increase. :(
Body fat on scales is notoriously unreliable as doesnt actually measure but uses substitute of conductivity and estimates. Suggest you just measure yourself plus go on how you feel - bet you are better judge than the scales:)
Thanks Hun, I know I've slimmed down, I've just been worried that it's not fat I'm losing and maybe I'm just losing muscle or something. The scales and the body fat is scary as it states I'm at the poorest level as it's 38%.
There's only a couple of ways to accurately measure body fat, and it's not by using a set of scales, no matter how fancy. If you're losing weight, slimming down and eating a healthy diet, your body isn't going to start sacrificing muscle instead of fat.
Thank you ellaye, that's a relief! I'm eating plenty of protein as my diet mainly consists of roasted chicken... I'll just plod on and stop checking my body fat from now on!
Thanks again!

I got rid of my body fat scales because of weird readings! We can do without that sort of rubbish in our heads when concentrating on losing weight.
Yeah, it really started making me feel crap about the diet, I've been so focussed but when I weighed in yesterday and seen yet another increase on the fat I started thinking about other diet options! But scrapped that thought now! Lol
Need to lose this weight and I'm determined to do it via atkins!

I think this is the only diet I can do!
Oh wow! Well I have two dogs and I take them for a 40 min walk each day, sometimes we run for parts of it. That's all the exercise I do.

I also don't always have carbs, as in my greens. Maybe that's causing a problem?

A blog written by a guy who bodybuilds isn't quite evidence of anything in my book. His body composition and his exercise regime will mean he needs a different macro ratio anyway.
Each to their own. There are quite a few articles swaying both ways but if you watched that tv programme the other week about sugar the brother who was low carb had lost more weight but was half muscle. Not inconclusive but definately made me think.
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