Trapped wind and cramps severe???


Silver Member
I am on a VLCD and wondered whether anyone else has experienced severe abdominal cramps and trapped wind. I have done these diets before and never experienced so much pain, I couldn't sleep because of it.
I did drink one and a half litres of water with their water flavouring in it over the course of the evening and I'm thinking mabe theres something in the ingredients that don't agree with me?
Ingredients are:-
Inulin, malic acid, orange flavour, sucralose, beta carotene.

Any ideas? Scared to drink that again, although it tasted good. My tummy is still not right today :/

Thanks Emma x

I don't want to alarm you, especially as this is my first post, but this sounds like my symptoms after I had been on a VLCD for a bit. It got worse and more frequent over some months. It would last a few hours and I was physically sick with it. I was diagnosed with gallstones and had to have my gallbladder removed. I would advise you to see a GP if just to eliminate this as a possibility.