Bad PMT !


Full Member
Does anyone else find that they have really really bad PMT or is it just me ?! I'm due on any day and I've been a total cow to everyone for the past few days, cry at every little thing and have much more tummy ache than usual !! Last month my cycle was so heavy and it's quite unusual for me, seems like its going to be the same this month. Is there any science behind it ? Xx
Btw ^^ That was a joke just in case anyone was wondering. :)
Lol. Its just Not like me at all. Was just wondering if it can affect your hormones in some way ?! Either that or getting moodier as I get older ;)
OK, serious response now.

Dieting can affect your moods - something along the lines of hormonal changes due to weight loss.
That's why they ask you if you suffer from depression when you sign up.
I had such bad PMT this time, and I was 10 days late. This period only lasted 3 days which is not like me. My PMT has continued though! Grrrr!