anyone see diet docs on chan 5 lastnight?


THey were talking about what to much water can do..

not sure how much water this athlete drank but he went into a coma and had to be brought back to life.. he drank to much water and his salt level dropped badly..

was very scary....

anyone see it? and know how much he drank?

what do we do if we think we drank to much? do we just have a spoon of salt?
Go to Wikipedia and enter 'water'

The human body can take 12-16L of water per day provided that it is not given all in one go
If you watched the program carefully you would have seen it was because, due to the high level of exertion he was undergoing (taking part in an Ironman contest) he was expending salts (sweating) faster than he was replenishing them (eating) and because he was drinking so much water he was diluting what little salt he had left, which is why he got ill. It wasn't so much over-drinking as under-fuelling. He knew something was wrong when he got stomach cramps but misdiagnosed the problem and drank even MORE water. The medical team on-site also wrongly diagnosed dehydration and gave him drips without nutrients which is why he ended up in a coma.
The whole bit was very misleading, and I'm beginning to think because of it and other segments there's a bit of anti-VLCD propaganda in that series. Still very motivational and informative overall though.
Our CD plans give us all the nutrients we need to keep going so you're very unlikely to be able to 'overdrink' in normal circumstances; if you plan on running a marathon or swimming the channel it'd be a different matter (but is also why you have to be careful not to do *too* much exercise while SS'ing, listen to what your body's telling you and seek advice if you're having any adverse or painful reactions, which, as an athlete, he should really have known to do).