Easy converter


Silver Member
IV noticed some of us weigh in kg others lbs n some stone

Therefore wanted to say

1 stone is 14lbs
1 kg is 2.2lbs

Hope this makes sense n will be of benefit to someone x

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Our docs use kg too but they mean nothing to me i alwaya have to convert it to lbs to understand

Our home scales do kg lbs and stone x

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I weigh in kgs... But have a converter on my iPhone
I always work it out in lbs afterwards but its not important. I do it really so I know how many lbs for my christmas challenge as Violet did it in lbs....
I weigh in kg and convert to pounds for mfp. 1 lb lost sounds better than 0.5kg so I use whichever unit sounds better if I reach a milestone in either I celebrate.
I prefer stones and pounds bug doc does kgs so I use both but stones is more realistic . I use a converter on my phone but tbh it's not always correct do I've got a paper prong out chart I use that I keep in my handbag

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