Cold weather aches...


Gold Member
I fractured my ankle about 10 years ago and when it is very cold and damp it hurts really badly!!!

I am living in a tubular bandage lol...

Its really getting me down as i cannot do my running programme!!! :(

Was wondering if anyone knew of anything that i can do to help it...

I'm currently.....
Wearing a tubular bandage in the day...
Wearing big warm socks...
Using hot water bottle on it at night!!!

Thanks in advance!! x
I had a similar experience and used magnet therapy on my knee, I strapped this bandage thing with velcro around my knee, it had magnets running down the sides of it. Apparently, magnets make your blood run easier therefore, easing and curing pains more quickly. I used on the advice from the Doctor and can happily say that I have not used it for a good couple of years now, even though I do faithfully pack it in my case every time I go away just in case! There are lots of links on Google for this. My boss (a Psychiatrist) uses a copper bracelet to keep away his aches and pains so must be something in this therapy for a Doctor to use it!
Of course, you could always move to Barbados where it is never cold so you wouldn't get aches and pains!!!! Elaine.