Ding Dong Round 2


Full Member
Ding Dong Round 2
Day 1

Back to finish the job, haven't quite put all the weight back on but getting close so sleeves up and head down......:rolleyes:


Ding Dong Day 2

I survived, but gawd it was hard, was soooo hungry.
Today have splitting headache, will try to up water intake and use all methods of distraction to get through it.
Come on you can do it.......:)
Ding Dong

Ding Dong Day 3

Not Looking forward to today, night shift tonight so gonna be a long one with lotsa temptation grrrrr
Come on.....

Ding Dong Dejavu Day 1

I bombed out the diet big time. My Brother visited first time in two years and it ended up a family party and i couldn't resist. Food alcohol you name it i ate it.
Soooooo here we go again.

This time no excuses i've had my blip so come on gee up you fool.