Attack Smoked Mackerel Pate


Smoked Mackerel Pate

Even if you don’t normally like the strong taste of smoked mackerel it is greatly diluted in this recipe so do give it a go! I think it is absolutely delicious and serve it with mini savoury gallettes on PP days and Vegetable Crudities on PV days.


· 1 smoked mackerel fillet (Plain, not peppered)
· Quark or fat free plain Yoghurt or a mix of both
· Lemon Juice to taste
· Pepper


1. Remove the skin from the mackerel
2. Place mackerel in smallish bowl and mash it up with a fork
3. Add quark/yoghurt and blend together until smooth and a consistency of your liking
4. Add lemon juice and pepper to taste.

It can also be mixed 50/50 smoked mackerel/tinned tuna; this lowers the fat content and makes it more mild tasting.