Opinions please...


Silver Member
Would it be acceptable to have 2 healthy as and no healthy bs on ee? I know this is meaning I won't have any extra fibre other than in my superfree, but will it affect weight loss or cause gain? It just fits in with what Im going to be eating today. For 1 time only?
You know yourself it's not technically right as A's and B's are for different reasons. If only for one day I would do it, but then I'm a norty tweaker at times so probably not the best to give advice!! Is there any way your day could be red or green? Like I said though, for 1 day I very much doubt any damage would be done. If you were to do it on a regular basis then maybe you should be having a word ... :)
It's just today, doing lasagne for tea and I have some pasta bake left that needs eating up today for lunch. Unless I had the ex lean mince as a healthy b on green, I shall do a bit of working out. Think that might work better...

I don't like to bend the rules too much as I know there's potential for consequences, lol!!
Cheese, but I'm going to go for the green option as it will work out without me having to bend any rules.

I seem to be gaining at the mo while following plan but I think it's because I've been eating hardly anything while in hospital this week and then eating normally and on plan again. So didn't really want to bend the rules.
Glad you could fiddle things about and enjoy your food :) x