need help


i seriously swear i am up 2 no good !
hi , ever since i have come back from holiday i have lacked the motivation to commit to plan have been following it loosely at home and weighing in at home on a wed morn but have been staying the same or gaining , lost all my weight with the old plan which i loved. Was wondering could you do the old plan if you worked out the old point s to the food or do you think i would confuse myself .
If the old plan worked for you, do that :) My household has everyone on WW- 2 on propoints and 1 on discover.
Do whatever suits you,there are lots here on discover. I love thr new plan- free fruit and that lovely 49 safety net but they both work,..but do pick one and stick to it,a lady in my group kept chopping and changing and couldn't lose anything.
If you look on the board there is a section for people who want to do discover. Try it and see if it suits you better, it just means that you will have to work out the points in everything. Good luck