AAM versus non-AAM


Hi all. I would be interested in comments from people who have not introduced a meal versus those who have. I've heard that the meal kick-starts your metabolism. I'm considering doing %TS as I think I would find it difficult to return to TS after the AAM week. Your input would be appreciated.
I did aamw last wk, (6th wk) , I was worried about being able to get back to TS as well, but it hasnt been too bad, I avoided complex carbs and must have stayed in ketosis.

My weight loss had slowed way down to silly 1lbs a wk, WI after aamw was +1lb, 2 days later I have 3lb off already, sp I would agree it kick starts your met again. I'm going to do aamw every 4 wks as I've been convince it's helpful

63lb to lose. WI 1-4: -19. WI5, -2. WI6, +1. 43lbs to go
Thanks for that.
My AAM week was a couple of weeks ago, lost 2lbs on AAM week and 6lbs the next, so certainly seems to have done my metabolism some good! Personally I don't think I could stick with it being TS fulltime, I need to know that I'm going to have the chance to eat some tasty (low carb) food every few weeks to keep me going (will probably do the TS/AAM cycle for 3-4 months and then go WS for the last bit).
I was really worried about getting back onto it so I kept a close eye on myself during AAM week, strictly no carbs so stayed in ketosis and was very careful my first few days back on TS - lots of water, coke zero in the fridge for if I needed a treat, had my favourite shakes, reread my goals, etc. Actually didnt find it a problem at all, much easier than getting through the first week!
Good luck whatever you decide