How do you manage your feelings?


Full Member
Hi guys

I'm working on the Weight Watchers "Manage Your Feelings" habit and I'm curious as to how other people manage their feelings-it'd be good to see everyone's elses suggestions :)

The ways I manage mine are mindfulness, going for a walk or doing intensive exercise, herbal tea, hot water bottle in bed and early night, reading a book
I'm struggling with this at the moment. Recently out of a relationship that was bad for me but am struggling being by myself and thoughts keep turning to food. Whether that's me looking for comfort or a boredom relief I'm not sure. I'm not acting on those feelings but not really sure what to do with them...I guess any change takes a while to get used to so am trying not to be so hard on myself. Tough though.
Yes, this is definitely the most challenging of the Weight Watchers habits for me to master but we will get there all the same!:)

I have asked myself what causes me to overeat and for me, anyways, it usually boils down to a need not being met in another area of my life and then overeating to in some way compensate for it. It's made me a lot more compassionate towards myself. I find that now I'm not overeating, I *really* feel my feelings again. In a way, it's great but in another, it's irritating! Of course, I know that overall, it's a definite step in the right direction and that I would be a robot without some feeling. I have felt numb/indifferent before and that is definitely worse, so its a win-win situation when I put it in perspective. Lol I feel much better about this now actually as I'm writing this down, it's just a bit scary initially but I can handle it.

You're doing amazingly well on your weight loss btw so you definitely deserve a big pat on the back! :) I'm sure you'll get to goal soon!