stomach pains whilst doing SS ?!?!


Full Member
i apologise in advance if this has already been asked i tried doing a search but couldn't find anything on this matter

i'm on day 4 doing SS and have been experiencing stomach pains like griping pains, dull aches and sometimes sharp abit like a period pain but then it moves up into my actual stomach!! :confused:
just wondered if anyone knows what could be causing this or why??
i've never experienced this before whilst on CD or even when i did LL

sorry again if this has already been asked :)

many thanks
Lisa xx
HI Lisa!

I had this problem last time I tried to go on SS. Nothing I did sorted it out so in the end I went up to 810 and worked my way down after a couple days on each one and in the end it was fine. I have NO idea what it was but that's what I did. I hope someone can give you a proper answer! In the meantime, make sure you drink lots of water and maybe a hot water bottle?

p.s. i find the bars do that to me anyway... are you eating the bars?

Good luck sweetie!
