Day 1 tummy rumbles :(


Hi everyone this is day 1 for the first time on CD as the same as probably everyone at this stage in their lives I too am fed up with the total battle of dieting so this is my last shot.
Day 1 what can I say not only is it a Monday but lumpy shakes and constant tummy rumbles = feeling poo :(
I will do this I'm sure, just want not only to get through the first day but the first wk but before all that to get through preparing tea for my Husband and 3 children tonight.
Anyways enjoying reading the support you all give each other very encouraging.
Hi Kely,
I am on day 2, I cant get Cambride where I live so I am flying solo. I'm hungry too!
My day mostly consists of homemade smoothies which are quite yummy but I can see myself getting fed up with weighing everything.
I have a bunch of kids too. Its hard to think that I have to cook for them tonight and then for my hubby too. Almost as bad as then having to go to work and not munch munch munch my way through the evening. Boredom is one of my triggers.
I hope your tummy stops rumbling soon. Maybe drink a ton of water before you cook dinner so you feel too bloated to pick?
Good luck, Laura