Struggling and need some advice


Gold Member
Hi all :)

I have been following the Cambridge Diet since November last year and it's taken me up until a couple of weeks ago to lose 3 stone (which is a looooong time in CD terms!). I am pleased with my weight loss even if it has taken me longer than others on CD.

I still have about 3 and a half stone left to go until my goal of 9st 7lb :( my OH has also done well on CD and is only around a stone or a stone and half until his goal.

Over the past few months, I've really struggled with CD and I keep trying to get back on the wagon 100% and only lasting a couple of days, losing and regaining the same few lb's. I pay 35 quid a week for this privilege! Haha.

I'm really stuck in a rut at the moment and not sure if I should just try and carry on. I wanted to be quite near to my goal for my 21st birthday at the start of august and I know that sort of loss is achievable on CD but then again am I just trying to kid myself that I will stick to it if I keep trying?

I'm scared of trying weight watchers or slimming world or even calorie counting because I'll be disappointed with the losses, but I'm not even losing anything at the moment on CD either. I also like the fact on CD I don't have to worry about food except my evening meal, and I can just have a shake for my breakfast and lunch. I'm convinced I'll just eat crap all the time if I don't have the structure of CD but I'm just fed up! I think my OH is getting fed up too...

I'm caught up in this fabulous meal replacement fast weight loss world and im frustrating myself because I KNOW it works so well if I'm 100%, I just can't get on track.

Sorry if this is a bit 'I'm feeling sorry for myself' but I just needed somewhere to vent :( any advice at all would be really appreciated :)
Hi Felix!

First of all, well done on your loss! I tried CD in the past and got a quick fix of losing 4 stone in 12 weeks then ended up piling on more weight after I stopped so I won't be going back to that!!

If your enjoying the meal replacement diets I think you should check out Exante, it's cheaper than CD and has a few programmes to fit into your lifestyle. Or maybe try Diet Chef? It's actually packets of food that you just pop into the microwave and you get snacks too. I lost over a stone in 4 weeks on that which was pretty impressive.

Hope this has helped and your welcome anytime to vent your frustration!! :D

scarlet-lips said:
Hi Felix!

First of all, well done on your loss! I tried CD in the past and got a quick fix of losing 4 stone in 12 weeks then ended up piling on more weight after I stopped so I won't be going back to that!!

If your enjoying the meal replacement diets I think you should check out Exante, it's cheaper than CD and has a few programmes to fit into your lifestyle. Or maybe try Diet Chef? It's actually packets of food that you just pop into the microwave and you get snacks too. I lost over a stone in 4 weeks on that which was pretty impressive.

Hope this has helped and your welcome anytime to vent your frustration!! :D


Hello thanks for the reply :) I've had a big think since posting this and me and the OH are going to give WW a try :D may even go back to Cambridge in a few weeks but I feel like I need a change for now. Diet Chef sounds really good, I saw an advert for it the other day. Are you still following diet chef?
Hello Felix good choice about WW im going to change over too, in the next 2 weeks..! Im ready for a change now, and as you said you can return back to CD.. x

good luck x