Waiter waiter there's a fly in my soup! Will it take me out of ketosis?


Silver Member
Also, you'd think after accidentally whizzing a bit of my soup packaging in with my soup a few weeks ago (regular readers will be pleased to hear that my numver 2s did not turn sparkly with bits of silver foil) I'd had quite enough pack disasters for one CD journey. Nononono...I was eating my soup and registered that there was a fly going round - a tiny one, like a fruit fly - not sure why I have them - it's one of the best things with having no food in the house - no flies!

And then I thought 'Did that just fly in my soup?' as I was lifting the spoon to my mouth. 'Yes - it was about where my spoon was' as I swallowed - 'oh'. The fly had gone.

"I don't know why I swallowed a fly, perhaps I'll die ;)"
Mmm, yummy. :D Extra protein. :8855:
Oh that did make me chuckle!!
I think I have to be on 1500 if it gets to the horse stage ;)
i personally wouldnt fancy the spider. :jelous: lol
This is the worst way to work through the steps ever!

Step 1: Fly
Step 2: Spider
Step 3: Bird
Step 4: Cat
Step 5: Dog
Step 6: Cow
Step 7: Horse
so its spider salad for tea then at chez cerulean?
Wahhhhhhh! Claire! Easiest way to put me off my last food pack! Bleeeee! Spider salad!