TOTM & Chocolate


Gold Member
OK, question for the ladies.


Does anyone know what it is about TOTM that makes you crave chocolate? (Or does this happen to you?)
The last couple of days I've been so wanting chocolate (really proud of myself as this month I've not given in), but just wondering, is there some physiological thing going on? I hadn't even realised it was going to be TOTM, so I don't think it's entirely psychological. Is there some vitamin / mineral / substance in chocolate that my body actually wants /needs?


Please tell me there's a reason for these insane cravings once a month?!
I believe the correct terminology is... "Sods Law"

I am actually amazed that so far i haven't craved chocolate... I was a serial chocolate muncher and could easily get through 4 Wispas a day!
Chocolate has been proven to release endorphins which make you feel goooooooood! So I guess we crave it to make ourselves feel a bit better when we r struggling with the evil totm!
I started exante yesterday on day one of my totm :(
Av had serious TOTM cravings and PMS past few days. I wanted strawberry choc, fish n chips then ice cream. Just writing this down has made me want a snickers bar, I don't even lyk it...

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I've not had a period for ages... I'm on day 64 of my cycle :giggle: Oh the joys of having PCOS and being overweight!