two questions...


Full Member
Hello sorry I know this is random but I have a couple of questions to ask...

1) I walk to work every day which takes about twenty five mins but I don't eat my breakfast til I get to work... Always have done (start at 8.30am) so just wondering whether it's better to burn calories from walking by eating before i leave? I've tried having one of my dukan cakes before I leave so I can have something on my stomach. Would it be better for me to eat first?

2) I tend to feel my slimmest the day after a PP day and tend to feel a bit bloated the day after a PV day? Is this normal? Of course it could because my stupid period hasn't come yet despite the exhaustion, stomach cramps, bad skin and chocolate cravings!!!

Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you :) xx
1) Most would say that yes, it would be better for you to eat before walking... I don't, however, so I can't say that! I leave home at 7.15am each morning (provided it's not raining) and walk to work (50 mins to 1hr 20 depending on route and voluntary detours!). I rarely eat before 10am. I'm not a good example but I can't eat first thing so figure this is at least "breakfast" I'm eating, albeit late breakfast to most. Do what feels right for you (but don't skip breakfast)!

2) On PP days, we lose water weight too (remember those huge daily losses on attack?). On PV days, with veg and salad, we take back in some of that water - which our body needs to function. So it's normal to weigh more and feel more "bloated" after a PV day. (Remember to keep the protein to veg ratio high - 66/33% is advised). TOTM is known to cause bloat too so could well be that.