How to lose Body Fat

Little Noo

Full Member
Hi everyone!

I was just wondering if someone could give me some advice.

According to my scales I'm 28.5% body fat. This seems to be about right for me, I look fairly slim but I'm quite wobbly!

I'm going on holiday in just over 8 weeks and would ideally like to get my body fat down to around 25% - is this possible? If it is possible what do I need to do to attain it?

At the moment I'm not unfit but I wouldn't class myself as fit either. Once or twice a week I do a two mile run which now takes me just over 20 minutes. I also go kickboxing once a week for an hour which involves a cardio warm up, body conditioning (mainly push ups and abs work) and then the rest of the hour is practicing different moves. It really knackers me out and I'm sore for about three days afterwards!

I was thinking that in order to lower my body fat % I should up the cardio abit more and add in some resistance workouts. I've got some weights at home and also a gym membership so it wouldnt be to hard to add in.

If anyone has any hints or tips or if you don't think this is attainable at all please let me know because then I will revise my target.

Thanks for reading! :)