Infrared cabin saunas


Full Member

I was just wondeirng if any of you have tried this?

Instead of a regular sauna this is a infrared sauna. which penetrates deeper in the body.

Apparently 30mins in one of these burns up to 600 calories.

i am booked in tonight for my first go.
because of this when i got home for my luunch break today my partner had bbq'ed a chicken breast in spices for me and has bbq'ed 2 chopped mushrooms in crushed garlic .

what a love .
So becasue of the amount i will sweat tonight we thought it best i SS+ today. as if i sweat 600 calories but only consume 500 it might be a recipe for disaster !!

But still has anyone had a go ?
No pretty sure you're not officially allowed garlic! But everyone has their own interpretation of the diet....I know I do!

Edit: Also I haven't heard of infrared Saunas! How do they burn calories!? Let us know if its any good!!
The secret of infrared sauna weight loss ? The infrared energy penetrates deep into your body - up to 2 inches deep. This deep penetration causes a heating effect deep in your muscles and your organs. It increases your metabolic rate.
Your body will react. It does this by raising your pulse. And you start to sweat.
The temperature of an infrared sauna is typically between 90۫ - 120۫ F versus a traditional sauna which operates between 180۫ -220۫ F. However, despite operating at a lower temperature, you will typically perspire far more in infrared saunas because the infrared energy penetrates your body at a much deeper level. Fat becomes water soluble at 100۫ F when it begins to dissolve, move through the blood and finally is removed from the body, resulting in weight loss. Toxins are also eliminated through your skin using lower, comfortable temperatures, for rapid detoxification.

When heated by the sauna, the body's cardiac output, heart rate and metabolic rate increases this is how you will loose weight .

Although you will need to drink after your visit you will gain the water weight back, but not the calories burnt.